Thursday, June 18, 2009

Blessings and Crazies

This has been a very eventful week so far. Let me start with Saturday. My husband and I met at church, during our courtship we decided to change churches. We started attending Victory World Church, but we decided not to join right away. During the last three years we’ve been regularly attending there, but giving ourselves the chance to pray and visit other churches. After a lot of praying and thinking we decided to finally join the VWC family. Our membership class was great; the next step will be to join their small groups. We’re very excited about this.

After membership class we went to hubby’s godmother’s house. While there, one of his jobs leads call that they needed some documents for his application. We drove by; he took a test and passed with flying colors. The manager told him that she would call him Monday or Tuesday with a response.

Tuesday night I arrive at the house and our toilet in the master bedroom is clogged. Hubby tries to unclog it and it overflows with water all over the bathroom and parts of our bedroom. We don’t know what to do, we go to the first floor and now we see the ceiling in our living room leaking. We called a plumber and they came almost at 11 o’clock. Who knew that plumbers worked that late? $150 later it was all fixed…now it was cleaning time.

Wednesday afternoon my husband received a call from the manager, He’s been hired!!!!!
and would start the next morning. My husband decides to celebrate by going to the basketball court and shoot some hoops. He calls me to pick him up on my way home. He sends me a text message that I didn’t read until later, I wish I had…letting me know that he had experimented with a new haircut. As I’m driving into the park and talking to my husband on my cell phone, he tells me that he’s no longer at the court but waiting for me at the building across the street. I see this man with a Mohawk; it can not be my husband. I tell him, “tell me you’re not the one with the Mohawk” he said, “oh crap”. I have to admit that I overreacted. Yes, it didn’t look good on him, but I didn’t need to make a scene out of it. All I could think of was that he was going to look like a red Mr. T on his first day of work. Needless to say, he fixed it and he looks like my handsome husband again. I did ask him what possessed him to do this. He said he was trying something different and that until I parked him in front of the mirror he didn’t realize how bad it looked. This is the new hair cut.

He forgot to tell me that he needed a button up white shirt, which he doesn’t have, for his first day. We had to get up early and go to Wally World and get it. At the register, I’m so tired and confused that I couldn’t find my debit card. He got frustrated with me and said, “This is ridiculous that you can’t find your debit card”. I think my eyes told him everything my mouth didn’t. I finally told him that it was unfair for him to get frustrated, coming from the person who rarely knows where his head is at.

This week is not over. I have company coming over this weekend, so this shall be pretty interesting between entertaining, dealing with his new job and shifts and handling everything else. My visitor leaves on Tuesday and I’ve asked for Wednesday off to rest. Knowing my luck, my husband will have to work that day and I will have to get up very early to take him to work. Such is life!
Disclaimer: took all the pictures from the internet, none of them are mine. if you need to be credited just page me in the comments.

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